Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Count Down is On!!

The past month has been a impatient 3 weeks of learning the importance of patience and trusting God. I have been a very unwilling participant in this lesson as I have tried to rush head, plan every detail and know every possible option in order for me to get to Iqaluit as soon as possible. With my wanting to get there ASAP has come a lot of doubt and even fear about the uncertainty of my future. Josh and friends have told me "be patient, just trust that the Lord has it all figured out and rest in His timing." Easier said than done. 
However, I have been making a conscious effort this past week to really let go of my worries and trust that God has a plan to get me to Iqaluit. It has been a daily struggle of letting go, but a freeing one at that, and God has been showing me how He is faithful to His promise in Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" 

Since finally surrendering "my" plans, things have been slowly but methodically falling into place for my departure from Edmonton. Not surprisingly, it is one thing at a time, just like God arranged for Josh's job at Summit. How soon I forget who is in control of my life. However, God is faithful in reminding me time and time again.  


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